SFW YCH's and Bases
This is where you can view the YCH's i'm currently running and my base packs.Click here to see my TOS
P2U & F2U Bases

DISCLAIMER: Please make sure your art program is able to open PSD or Procreate files before purchasing! I do not issue refunds for bases. The base pack is 2000 x 2566 px ,has 118 layers and is 50 MB psd / 108 MB procreate.I am not responsible if your device can not open this!Some combinations of features and hairstyles in this base may require line art erasing and layer merging. However, i have really tried to make every feature as compatible with each other as possible! There are plenty of amazing combinations that require no erasing or adjusting at all!RULES:YOU MUST:-Credit VampyBooXO on all platformsYOU CAN:-Edit the base-Sell adoptables-Make gift art-Make personal artYOU CANNOT:-Remove the small watermark (you may move it around if it gets in the way of your design)-Sell commissions-Redistribute the base for free or for profit

Chibi Reference / Adopt Base
PLEASE ONLY DOWNLOAD THIS BASE IF YOU HAVE AN ART PROGRAM THAT CAN OPEN PSD FILESYou MUST:!!Always credit VampyBooXO or link me/ @ me in the caption when posting or sharing anything created on this base!!You can:-Edit the lineart (add hair etc)
-Sell adopts using the base
-Take requests using the base
-Use this base for personal artwork
-Take commissions using the baseYou cannot:-Remove the watermark (if it gets in the way of the design, you can move it elsewhere)
-Claim you made this base
© VampyBooXO. All rights reserved.